Will your club be the first annual winner of the Mosquito Shield Award?

This Rotary year, Rotarians Against Malaria (RAM) are introducing two Mosquito Shield Awards.

The first award will recognise the club in our District that donates the most money to RAM in a Rotary year.

The second award will recognise the club in our District that donates the most money in a Rotary year, when the total amount they donate is divided by the number of members in their club.

NOTE: The results for both awards will be based on donations to RAM by clubs, not individual member donations.

Both award winners will receive a prestigious plaque with their club’s name engraved on it. The club will then hold the plaque for 12 months, until the winners of the following year’s Mosquito Shield Awards are announced.

Initiatives that RAM funds include:

  • long lasting insecticidal bed nets,
  • residual insecticidal spraying in villages,
  • education programs for villagers in malaria affected countries
  • activities to control mosquito larvae in breeding grounds and
  • university research projects on malaria.
  • microscopes for improved malaria diagnosis in Vanuatu
  • mountain bikes for health education officers in Papua New Guinea to get to near inaccessible villages to promote malaria prevention options and associated health matters.

The Gold, Silver and Bronze Funding Warrior Certificates for RAM donations ($2,000+, $1000+ and $500+) will also continue this Rotary year.

I hope to see your club’s name on one of the Mosquito Shield Awards at the end of the 2024-25 Rotary year.

Donations to RAM can be made here.

If you would like to know more about RAM or request someone to talk about RAM at your club meeting, please contact Gary at kylo67@yahoo.com.au.

Gary Davis – Rotarians Against Malaria – Eastern Region Supervisor