City of Whitehorse, Melbourne Rotary Clubs Fundraise for RAM Australia

City of Whitehorse, Melbourne Rotary Clubs Fundraise for RAM Australia

Peter McPhee, a member of the Rotary Club of Mitcham (Victoria), and of District 9810 Rotarians Against Malaria Committee, plus...
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What will it take to eradicate malaria?

What will it take to eradicate malaria?

What will it take to eradicate malaria? This article by González‑Silva & Rabinovich (2021) in Malaria Journal draws on the...
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The Rotary Club of Oakleigh Clayton Huntingdale in Melbourne fundraise for RAM, Vanuatu

The Rotary Club of Oakleigh Clayton Huntingdale in Melbourne fundraise for RAM, Vanuatu

The Rotary Club of Oakleigh Clayton Huntingdale (RCOCH) conducted a barbecue fundraiser for Vanuatu RAM on 24 April 2021 in...
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Grants to Scale Up Efforts to Fight Malaria: Supporting High-Impact Service with Programs of Scale Grants

Grants to Scale Up Efforts to Fight Malaria: Supporting High-Impact Service with Programs of Scale Grants

The Rotary Foundation’s first annual $2 million Programs of Scale grant supports a Rotarian-led effort to dramatically reduce malaria in...
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The RAM Scientific Committee reports on recent scientific developments (part 3)

The RAM Scientific Committee reports on recent scientific developments (part 3)

Malaria is notoriously hard to vaccinate against. A new vaccine technology might change that. There is still a long way...
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The RAM Scientific Committee reports on recent scientific developments (part 2)

The RAM Scientific Committee reports on recent scientific developments (part 2)

Infections halved in children in Ivory Coast using new technology.  A new lure-and-kill style device trial shows potential for a...
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The RAM Scientific Committee reports on recent scientific developments (part 1)

The RAM Scientific Committee reports on recent scientific developments (part 1)

Climate Change Could Have Direct Consequences on Malaria Transmission in Densely Populated Zones in Africa.  A study shows that the...
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Central Region District Visits

Central Region District Visits

District 9510 is about to embark on a project to work towards the elimination of Malaria in the Solomon Islands.Globally,...
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Progress in the Fight to Eliminate Asymptomatic P. vivax Revealed

Progress in the Fight to Eliminate Asymptomatic P. vivax Revealed

A recent video presentation by Prof Ivor Mueller, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI), Melbourne, reveals progress...
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The Newly Published WHO Guidelines for Malaria are Here!

The Newly Published WHO Guidelines for Malaria are Here!

The WHO Guidelines for malaria bring together the Organization’s most up-to-date recommendations for malaria in one user-friendly and easy-to-navigate online...
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Maintaining Zero Malaria in Timor Leste: Our International Service to open doors into the hearts of Rotarians and non-Rotarians

Maintaining Zero Malaria in Timor Leste: Our International Service to open doors into the hearts of Rotarians and non-Rotarians

Introduction Malaria is a life-threatening disease. Globally, in 2018, malaria threatened the lives of nearly 50% of the global population....
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2020 WHO World Malaria Report Released

2020 WHO World Malaria Report Released

The 2020 edition of the World Malaria Report takes a look back at key events and milestones that helped shape the global...
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Promoting Malaria Awareness in Unique Ways

Promoting Malaria Awareness in Unique Ways

RAM would like to hear from you, if you have ideas for COVID-safe ways of promoting malaria awareness among Rotarians...
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Rotaractor Driving Malaria Elimination Awareness in Tasmania

Rotaractor Driving Malaria Elimination Awareness in Tasmania

D9830 Tasmania RAM District Committee: A Rotaractor driving malaria elimination awareness in Tasmania Welcome to our new RAM District Supervisor...
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Steve Carroll’s Personal Story

Steve Carroll’s Personal Story
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Announcing the 2020 School Video Competition Winner!

Announcing the 2020 School Video Competition Winner!

CONGRATULATIONS to the winner of the 2020 RAM Annual Schools Video Competition, Classe des CM2 du Lycée Français de Port...
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PDG Phil Dempster – Rotarian Extraordinaire

PDG Phil Dempster – Rotarian Extraordinaire

For more than a decade, PDG Phil Dempster, provided support to and oversight of Rotarians Against Malaria (RAM) Australia. This...
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Milton Lewis and the RAWCS Humanitarian Award

Milton Lewis and the RAWCS Humanitarian Award

RAM is very pleased to celebrate the presentation of the RAWCS Humanitarian Award to Milton Lewis, for many years of...
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Malaria in Australia

Malaria in Australia

There is a long history of anti-malaria activities in Australia. Malaria was endemic in the northern, tropical areas and there...
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The Global Fund and RAWCS-RAM join hands to eliminate malaria in the Oceania region

The Global Fund and RAWCS-RAM join hands to eliminate malaria in the Oceania region

MEDIA RELEASE: 30 April 2020   Global progress on malaria elimination has stalled. Malaria continues to inflict unnecessary human and...
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